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We are pleased to announce that Navitel Navigator maps have received the Q1 2025 update that brings in major changes in road & building infrastructure, including new junctions, roads, and address information.


The Q1 2025 release maps include 18 643 826 km of updated road graph, 13 424 508 points of interest, as well as 1 851 718 cities and settlements with 111 812 143 unique addresses to search for. The most affected are the maps of the Czech Republic, Finland and Poland.

Update changelog for every affected country map is listed below.

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Each map includes residential and industrial infrastructure of cities and settlements with address search and detailed road network with traffic direction, interchanges, roundabouts, and other relevant navigation information.

You can find the detailed information on every map in the Maps section of the official website.

IMPORTANT! Please note that the maps of the Q1 2025 release work with Navitel Navigator version 9.13 onwards.