First ever detailed navigation map of Turkey with traffic service for Navitel!
13 September 2011
Navitel company is glad to announce the official release of Turkey navigation map with free traffic service support. Traffic jams on all territory of the country!
Map of Turkey for Navitel Navigator 5 is:
- 494’252 kilometers of roads
- Detailed maps of 81 cities can be searched by full address — centers of Turkish provinces: Agri , Adana , Adiyaman , Aydin , Aksaray , Amasya , Ankara , Antalya , Ardahan , Artvin , Afyonkarahisar , Bayburt , Balikesir , Bartin , Batman , Bilecik , Bingol , Bitlis , Bolu , Burdur , Bursa , Van , Gaziantep , Giresun , Gumushane , Denizli , Diyarbakir , Duzce , Zonguldak , Izmir , Yozgat , Kayseri , Karabuk , Karaman , Kars , Kastamonu , Kahramanmaras , Kilis , Kocaeli , Konya , Kirklareli , Kirsehir , Kirikkale , Kutahya , Malatya , Manisa , Mardin , Mersin , Mugla , Mus , Nevsehir , Nigde , Ordu , Osmaniye , Rize , Sakarya , Samsun , Sivas , Siirt , Sinop , Istanbul , Tekirdag , Tokat , Trabzon , Tunceli , Usak , Hakkari , Hatay , Canakkale , Cankiri , Corum , Sanliurfa , Sirnak , Igdir , Isparta , Edirne , Elazig , Erzincan , Erzurum , Eskisehir , Yalova
- 684 cities and municipalities in total can be searched by full address
- 488’814 POI, including gas stations, hotels, shops, pharmacies, hospitals, parks, theatres, restaurants and other objects of infrastructure
- Free Navitel.Traffic service support on all territory of Turkey
- All cities and towns of country are applied to the map of Turkey and available for search
Navitel company has its own geodesic crews working in all countries of Eastern Europe. That’s why Navitel maps are so precise and detailed.