Speed control cameras notification system SPEEDCAM
Intellectual map search system
Multilingual interface, including Russian, English and Arabian languages support
Road network (km)
Municipalities “by full address”
Addresses on the map
Total amount of municipalities in search
Amount of POI
79 087
162 294
13 503
19 319
98 551
166 590
9 586
13 080
82 371
126 914
5 742
13 278
423 587
5 570
2 299 259
54 337
174 850
Czech Republic
113 777
6 246
2 329 105
19 323
44 220
42 373
111 419
4 174
1 926
114 380
503 532
14 104
18 894
100 355
2 744
1 800 890
3 707
23 705
35 226
122 047
1 632
15 835
80 873
207 148
6 686
35 015
Please note that package Easten Europe for Navitel includes map licenses for the following countries: Estonia, Latvia, Litva, Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine, Hungary, Romania, Moldova, Bulgaria, Slovenia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Macedonia, Albania, Greece. Maps of other countries, which were not included in the release Q2-2011, will be available to licensed users in the next updates for free.
You can download Navitel Navigator with Eastern Europe maps to your iPhone or iPad in AppStore. Before purchase 30-day free trial period is available. For further use you need to buy license key for program.
License cost for Navitel Navigator with Eastern Europe maps is $79.99.
Please note that every time you start Navitel in a trial period you will need internet access for server activation (1-2 traffic Kb). After license purchase there will be no need in Internet connection to start Navitel.
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