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Maps of Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Republic and Uzbekistan release Q3 2012 are available to Navitel Navigator users.

Map of Ukraine Q3 2012:

197 cities and municipalities with HD coverage.

1 088 000 addresses in address database.

29 821 municipalities, applied to the map.

69 791 POI.

1 097 106 km of road length.

Map of Belarus Q3 2012:

464 cities and municipalities with HD coverage.

523 065 addresses in address database.

23 702 municipalities, applied to the map.

55 397 POI.

281 036 km of road length.

Map of Kazakhstan Q3 2012:

68 cities and municipalities with HD coverage.

197 913 addresses in address database.

9 945 municipalities, applied to the map.

10 102 POI.

1 343 000 km of road length.

Map of Kyrgyz Republic Q3 2012:

1 HD city.

65 438 addresses in address database.

2 189 municipalities, applied to the map.

2 639 POI.

20 356 km of road length.

Map of Uzbekistan Q3 2012:

1 HD city.

104 262 addresses in address database.

8 127 municipalities, applied to the map.

1 717 POI.

51 541 km of road length.

Map road network and address data base in cities and municipalities are updated, taking into account Navitel users messages from official forum and through bug-tracker on the official web-site

ATTENTION! Maps release Q3 2012 are not compatible with maps of previous releases and properly work only with Navitel Navigator version 5.5.x or later.

You can download map updates from your profile on our web-site

Map updates of other countries will be released soon, follow Navitel news!