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The updated Q1 2015 maps for countries of Middle East, South Caucasus and Central Asia are available to the users of Navitel Navigator.

The updated Q1 2015 maps include the total of 8 countries:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Iran, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkey, and Uzbekistan.

The updated maps contain 1 022 213 km of road graph, 1 315 281 POI, and 72 862 settlements, 29 086 of which are provided with the detailed road network and support address search.

Visual representation of roads, traffic jams, and routes has been improved. Addresses have been corrected and specified, as well as indication of forbidden turns has been improved.


The map includes 4 313 settlements, 54 of which are provided with the road network and support address search. There are 143 985 unique addresses available for the address search function. The map contains 27 447 POI. Length of the road graph is 31 228 km.

The Azerbaijan map was additionally provided with the address search and road network of the following settlements: Agdzhabedi, Ağstafa, Astara, Belokany, Barda, Gabala, Gazakh, Ismayilly, Kurdamir, Mingachevir , Sabirabad , Siazan, Shabran, Shamakhi, Shirvan , Khyrdalan.

The address data of Baku was updated.


The map of Turkey includes 37 151 settlements, 28 834 of which are provided with the road network and support address search. The POI database includes 1 200 859 POI. Length of the road graph is 653 171 km.


The map of Iran includes 14 233 settlements, 95 of which are provided with the road network and support address search. The POI database includes 74 951 POI. Length of the road graph is 143 203 km.

Coupled with the address search in residential and industrial areas of settlements, the map of each country includes the highly detailed road network with streets and roads, and with due account to road directions, as well as interchanges, roundabouts, and other important road information.

Visit the “Coverage” section of the website to get more information on new maps, available for other countries.

Important! Please note that Q1 2015 maps are compatible only with the and later version of Navitel Navigator.