NAVITEL® has released the Q1 2016 updated maps of Poland and Belarus
The latest maps of Poland and Belarus are available to the users of Navitel Navigator.
The map of Poland includes up-to-date information on current streets, roads, interchanges, roundabouts and other important information, which makes it possible to plan an accurate route.
Highways of regional significance were updated and specified.
Following roads and highways have been added on the map:
- Gdansk tunnel under the Dead Vistula river.
- The new section of the A1 highway (near Łódź).
- Highway DTŚ in Gliwice (Silesian Voivodeship).
The update of traffic management system has been made due to opening of the new road interchange between Filimonova street and Nezavisimosti avenue in Minsk.
The POI database and address data have been updated.
More detailed information on the map coverage of all countries you can see at «Maps» section.
Important! Please note that Q1 2016 maps are compatible only with the and later version of Navitel Navigator.