The map of Austria contains 26 738 cities and settlements, 10 779 of which include address search. The map contains 53 561 POI. The total length of the road graph is 216 848 km.
On the current map has added 80 new campsites in the country, as well as updated information for another 70 campsites.
The map of Albania contains 2 712 cities and settlements, including 3 that are available for address search. The map contains 5 407 POI. The total length of the road graph is 19 898 km.
20 campsites are actualized and added to the map.
The map of Bulgaria contains 5 518 cities and settlements, 617 of which include address search. The map contains 31 539 POI. The total length of the road graph is 94 488 km.
On the map of Bulgaria release Q1 2020 added:
- New interchanges and streets in the cities of Sofia, Plovdiv, Stara Zagora and Gorna Oryahovitsa;
- The road between the city of Nedelino and the village of Dolen (Smolyan Region);
- The towns of Troyan (Lovech region) and Veliko Tarnovo are updated.
Updated the database of the road network, enforcement cameras, alerts about potential danger zones, and maintenance services across the whole Bulgarian territory.
Bosnia and Herzegovina
The map of the Bosnia and Herzegovina contains 6 642 cities and settlements, including 16 that are available for address search. The map has 8 310 Points of Interest (POI). The length of the road graph is 115 646 km.
The main roads of the country and roads in major cities, such as Sarajevo, Mostar, Banja Luka, Tuzla, Doboj, Brcko, Bihac, Zenica, including all interchanges were updated on the Q1 2020 map.
The updated map of Croatia contains 78 828 km of the road graph, 36 972 POI, 6 794 cities and towns, including 2 165 with address search.
- Rijeka and Pula towns were updated;
- Camping sites throughout the country have been updated and added to the map.
Czech Republic
The map of the Czech Republic contains 15 301 cities and settlements, of which 6 257 include address search. The map contains 112 078 POI. The total length of the road graph is 165 950 km.
Road network:
- Added the new bypass of Slany;
- Added the new bypass of Znojmo;
- Added the new bypass of Cravare;
- Added the new bypass of Opava;
- The new road between the towns of Nove Strašeci - Yevnichov;
- The new part of the bypass number 11 around the towns of Ostrava - Poruba.
Updated 319 campsites whole the country.
The map of Hungary contains 3 821 cities and settlements, of which 3 212 include address search. The map contains 34 993 POI. The total length of the road graph is 104 145 km.
On the map of Hungary release Q1 2020 added:
- A new part of the M4 highway between Üllo and Albertirsa;
- The new part of the M70 highway from Tornyiszentmiklos to Letenye;
- The new M44 highway between the towns of Tiszakürt and Kondoros;
- The new M2 highway between Vac and Dunakeszi;
- A new bypass of the city of Nyiregyhaza.
The map of Finland contains 13 513 cities and settlements, of which 9 220 include address search. The map contains 16 502 POI. The total length of the road graph is 480 262 km.
- Updated road graph in the area of Tornio and Kemi;
- Updated POI around the country.
The map of France contains 68 292 cities and settlements, of which 35 026 include address search. The map contains 1 196 203 POI. The total length of the road graph is 1 265 562 km.
Improved the visualization of the objects in the cities and towns throughout the country.
The map of Germany contains 91 744 cities and settlements, of which 83 492 include address search. The map contains 1 647 384 POI. The total length of the road graph is 1 101 943 km.
Updated to the road network have been made: highways, roadways, junctions, roundabouts throughout the country.
The map of Italy contains 69 233 cities and settlements, of which 39 808 include address search. The map contains 60 890 POI. Total length of the road graph is 784 612 km.
- Updates to the road network have been made: highways, roadways, junctions, roundabouts throughout the country;
- Railway networks infrastructure was updated;
- Camping sites throughout the country, as well as tourist areas, resorts, and hotels along the Italian coast, have been updated and added to the map.
The map of Liechtenstein contains 16 cities and settlements, including 16 that are available for address search. The map contains 381 POI. The total length of the road graph is 579 km.
Campings throughout the country were updated and added to the map.
The map of Luxembourg contains 722 cities and settlements, including 504 that are available for address search. The map contains 1 398 POI. The total length of the road graph is 7 803 km.
Updated and added campsites to the map throughout the country.
The updated map includes 1 187 km of road graph, 97 settlements, 1 of which is provided with the detailed street network and support address search. The map contains 75 POI.
Campings throughout the whole country's territory were updated and added to the map.
The map of Montenegro includes 8 782 km of road graph, 6 001 POI, 785 settlements, 56 of them are provided with the detailed street network and support address search.
Campings throughout the country were updated and added to the map.
The map of Serbia contains 16 541 cities and settlements, of which 812 include address search. The map contains 23 011 POI. The total length of the road graph is 59 460 km.
On the map are presented the following updated data of the road network:
- The new part of the A2 highway between the cities of Surcin and Obrenovac;
- The new part of the A4 highway between the cities of Prosek and Crvena Reka;
- A new bypass of the city of Subotica.
35 new campsites were added to the map.
The map of Slovakia contains 3 821 cities and settlements, 806 of which include address search. The map contains 19 531 POI. The total length of the road graph is 51 647 km.
- A new part of the D1 highway between the towns of Budimir and Bidovce added;
- Added 141 new campsites throughout the country.
The updated map of Sweden contains 367 436 km of road graph, 17 171 POI, 26 754 settlements, 3 398 of which are provided with the detailed street network and support address search.
Road network:
- E20, E4, E6, E22, E45, E65 highways have been updated, including exits and interchanges.
New streets, roundabouts, exits and interchanges in the cities Göteborg, Halmstad, Helsingborg, Landskrona, Malmö, Lund, Kalmar were added.
The map of Ukraine contains 30 013 cities and settlements, of which 3 736 include address search. The map contains 130 271 POI. The total length of the road graph is 1 130 457 km.
On the map are presented the following updated data of the road network:
- The M05 highway and the T1009 highway (Kyiv region, Salivonki –Uzin;
- Shuliavsky overpass and the intersection of Oleksy Tikhoi and Vadim Getman streets in the city of Kyiv.
The town of Kremenets (Ternopil region) has been added to the map, as well as updated POIs across the whole country.
United Kingdom
The updated map of the United Kingdom includes 421 026 km of road graph, 135 900 POI, 24 682 settlements, 14 428 of which are provided with the detailed street network and support address search.
The following has been added on the map of the United Kingdom Q1 2020:
- Numbering of houses in the cities of London and Birmingham;
- Updated POI categories: gas stations, shops, car washes, cafes, public transport, parking, and car dealerships throughout the country.