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Purchase and installation




  • How can I remove the violet lines from the map?

    Violet lines in the map are the representation of the latest 10 000 points of a recorded track.

    To switch off the option select Menu > Settings > Tracks and set the switch of the Show latest 10 00 track points to the “Off” position. To remove all data about these points from you device delete the track file from the “Tracks” folder in “NavitelContent” directory (for smartphones and tablets), or the “Navitel” (“Navi”,"MobileNavigator" or other, depending upon the model) directory for PNDs.

  • When moving along the route the map does not move to show the current position. To see the current position the map must be moved manually. How can I fix that?

    Make sure that the latest version of the program is installed in the device.

    Set the Reset position function, which draws the map back to the current position, even if it was moved. To set the function select Menu > Settings > Map > Reset position field and set the time (5 s, 10 s, 15 s, 20 s).

  • Routes between the two points are displayed as straight lines. How can I fix that?

    Make sure that the latest versions of the program and maps are installed in the device. If necessary, update the program and the maps.

    Select Menu > Settings > Navigation and set the switch to Route on roads position.

    Make sure that you have got maps for all territories, through which the route runs (for example, when planning an intercountry route, make sure that you have maps of the countries located between the country where the route begins and the destination country).

    In case there are any unofficial maps move them to a separate atlas — incompatibility with official maps may be the reason for the problem.

    If the problem persists, e-mail to describing the problem and providing the license key number, the route data, and versions of the program and the maps.

  • What can I do if my GPS is not connecting?

    Make sure that GPS-receiver is switched on: if the indicator is gray the receiver is switched off, if the indicator is red the receiver is switched on but connection to satellites has not been established, yellow indicator shows bad connection, and green indicator shows that GPS is connected.

    For the initial connection to satellites one may need to leave the device static in the open area (window sill, balcony, or a front panel of a car) for about 20 to 30 minutes.

    Make sure that the latest version of the program is installed in the device. If necessary, update the program.

    If the aforesaid measures could not help, have your GPS-receiver checked for malfunctions at the service center of the device manufacturer.