Activating updates
- There are two ways to purchase license keys for map updates for devices with Navitel Navigator software - through the online store of NAVITEL® website or by means of Navitel Navigator Update Center.
Note: New update is available for Navitel Navigator software versions not older than 9.7.2493
- In the online store site, select the product "Navitel Navigator. Map Updates" and click on Buy.
- In the opened window enter your contact details, number of promotional code (if applicable) and select the payment method. Then click Continue. Terms of payment or refund can be found on the bottom of the checkout page.
- After successfully completing the transaction a confirmation of purchase and license key will be sent on your e-mail address.
- There are two ways to activate purchased license key: in the Navitel Navigator Update Center program or activate the key through the NAVITEL® website.
- Activation in the Navitel Navigator Update Center program.
- To activate purchased key, open Navitel Navigator update center application on your PC.
Note: The program is available for PCs running Windows 7 and higher.
- Press Update in opened dialogue window to select and activate available update subscriptions. In the next window press OK to proceed.
- Then the Update Center offers you to buy available purchase options.
- Click Buy to proceed to the activation of the license key. In the window that appears update subscription, validity and cost will be shown.
Select Activate to open the field to input activation key. Enter the license key from the confirmation e-mail in the appropriate field and press Apply.
- After successful activating the selected updates will be installed on the device. After that in the right corner on the taskbar a notification about the update installation is complete will appear.
- To activate purchased key, open Navitel Navigator update center application on your PC.
- Activation through the NAVITEL® website.
- Log into your personal account at NAVITEL® website. From there, go to the Activate a license key section. If you are not registered on the site, then you can use the activation page in the general section of the site.
Enter the map update license key. - From the Activation type drop-down listbox, select I already use Navitel Navigator and want to activate the key for map updates.
In the drop-down list choose the device the key for which you would like to activate.NOTE: If you have several devices in your personal account, please make sure that you have selected the device, on which you are planning to use the map.
- If the activation is carried out outside the personal cabinet - manually specify the license key for the program of the device for which the update will be activated.
- Make sure that information is correct and then click Activate.
- Install the maps (see instruction).
- Log into your personal account at NAVITEL® website. From there, go to the Activate a license key section. If you are not registered on the site, then you can use the activation page in the general section of the site.
- Activation in the Navitel Navigator Update Center program.