Download updates from the page "My devices (updates)";
Unpack the archive. Copy the resulting folder iNavi on a USB flash drive and connect it to your device;
Download file NavitelAuto_Activation_Key.txt by the link "Activation File" and copy it to a folder on a USB flash card to iNavi folder;
Download map files from the Personal Area from the page "Available Updates" and put them on a USB flash drive;
Disconnect the card from the PC and connect it to the navigation unit in your car;
On your device, go out to Windows CE, then click "My device" -> gt; "Program Files" - > gt; Delete the folder "INavi" and copy the folder in this directory iNavi from USB flash drives;
Open the folder NavitelContent, inside it, open the folder Maps. Thoroughly clean the folder and place earlier downloaded map files here.
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